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If you have landed on this page, you are someone exploring the benefits of yoga for a normal delivery or an expectant mother who follows yoga as a daily practice. Well, a customized exercise plan can help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and support your pregnancy. Practicing a few simple exercises and yoga poses every day under the supervision of an expert can help relieve pain, discomfort, and labor duration, and prepare your body to bring your bundle of joy with a normal delivery process.
Practicing pregnancy yoga poses for normal delivery work by:
● Reducing labor pains
● Improves sleep cycle
● Strengthen pelvic region
● Improves blood circulation
● Increases mental and physical strength required for a normal delivery
Pregnancy Yoga in Third Trimester
If you have started practicing yoga earlier, it would not be so hard to continue to engage in low-impact exercises when you reach the third trimester. The beginning of the third trimester comes with several distressing conditions: weight gain and consequently heartburns, urinating more frequently, lower back pain, cramping in the front and side abdominals, shortness of breath, sleepiness, and immobility. You might feel that it is somewhat pressurizing your pelvis, and it might even become challenging to bend and turn. Therefore, there is a great need to be very careful as you follow a pregnancy yoga routine for normal delivery during your third trimester. However, with the guidance of experts, you can effectively follow a pregnancy yoga plan as designated by professionals and avoid some of the discomforts to ease your way into the labor pains and normal delivery.
Tips To Practice Pregnancy Yoga During Third Trimester
● Be aware of your body’s needs and keep some support nearby. Take help from your partners or experts when exercising.
● Practice poses beneficial for your body and baby primarily the ones that help widen your hips, strengthen pelvic floor, and help boost normal delivery.
● Avoid overexertion.
● You can also subscribe to a customized pregnancy yoga plan from Momkidcare curated according to your pregnancy’s needs for a healthy & normal delivery.
● Consult your doctor before you start practicing any new exercises.
● Avoid backbends, and intense exercises of the abdominal region to prevent fatigue and over exertion.
● Practice deep breathing exercises, mostly pranayama, to boost blood flow.
Pregnancy Yoga for Normal Delivery
Let's take a look at some of the yoga poses for normal delivery perhaps a quicker and easier delivery.
● UTKATASANA- Strengthens lower back, chest muscles, hips, and torso.
● VAKRASANA- Strengthens spine, legs, neck to facilitate easy labour.
● PARVATASANA- Improves circulation in pelvis and abdomen.
● YASTIKASANA- Relaxes pelvic and abdominal muscles.
● UPAVISTHA KONASANA - Helps relieve lower back pain and creates space around the pelvis by opening hip joints and readying your body for a normal delivery.
Read More : Is Yoga Safe During Pregnancy?
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