Whether you are planning now or had been trying for a long, the journey of becoming parents for you and your partner might have numerous obstacles due to present lifestyle ways. It may be like long working hours, busy schedules and career planning that creates anxiety & stress and hence abate the conceiving window. The preparation for this journey requires a lifestyle modification in your everyday chores. The key to a successful natural conceiving is a healthy diet and regular yoga, which not only improves your lifestyle but also boosts your fertility.
Lifestyle factors such as age at which to start a family, eating habits, physical activity, psychological stress, environmental and occupational exposures (like Cigarette smoking and alcohol & caffeine consumption) can negatively influence fertility. All these factor affects weight, thereby imbalance vital fertility hormones (Luteinizing Hormone (LH), FSH, Testosterone, progesterone and estrogen) and hence highly impact ovulation in females and sperm mobility & quality in males.
Lifestyle modification has been observed to assist couples to conceive spontaneously or optimize their chances of conception along with ART Treatment (Assisted reproductive technology) such as IVF, Ovulation induction, IUI. Various studies showed that maintained BMI (weight), well balanced diet, vigorous physical activity (exercise per week), may protect ovarian function which further optimize ART treatment and chances of conception.