They say, “The closer you’re to a healthy weight, the greater is your chance of conceiving”. Crossing BMI over 30 can be a major drawback to your fertility and can make this journey a little tough. Females being obese or overweight found to be one of the major and still neglected cause of infertility or subfertility. Being overweight lowers the lowers the sexual hormones (Estrogen and Progesteron) and increases the LH, androgen testosterone and insulin secretion & resistance which hampers the fertility window and hence induce subfertility. Studies suggest a reduction of 5% weight in woman with PCOD can restore regular menstruation and improve response to ovulation thereby boost fertility.
There are various studies which showed that a high BMI has been associated with delayed conception and thought to produce anovulation (no egg) which results in menstrual irregularity and subfertility. Weight loss in high BMI females, has been found be effective in boosting fertility.
Studies demonstrated that Weight losses achieved by diet and lifestyle changes, very‐low‐energy diets, non‐surgical medical interventions and bariatric surgery translated into significantly increased pregnancy rates and/or live birth in overweight and/or obese women undergoing ART (assisted reproductive therapy) like IVF or IUI.