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Postnatal recovery (6 weeks - 6 months of postpartum) through diet

Postnatal recovery (6 weeks - 6 months of postpartum) through diet

Rs. 499
Rs. 599.00(16% OFF)


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A balanced postnatal diet is highly recommended to new mom’s body to recover and heal from the exhaustion of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as to produce sufficient breast milk. At the postpartum stage, many mothers may be too tired or busy that a healthy diet tends to be o...Read More
1 Counselling Session with a diet Plan
1 Counselling Session with a diet Plan
Certified Dietician for Postnatal care
Certified Dietician for Postnatal care
Easy Refund Policy
Easy Refund Policy

A Diet Counselling by a Nutritionist, is not simply a diet plan. At postpartum (0-6 months) instead of focusing on the weight loss and cutting back on the amount of food you eat, a diet plan rather, focus on faster postpartum recovery and to improve your breast milk production as well, based upon your individual nutritional requirement, BMI measures, Dietary preferences and other associated medical condition.

<ul><li>Overweight mothers&nbsp;</li><li>&nbsp;History of diabetes, gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension&nbsp;</li><li>&nbsp;Mothers with minimum or no physical activity (Sedentary lifestyle)&nbsp;</li><li>Underweight mothers seeking nutritional support&nbsp;</li><li>Having frequent constipations&nbsp;</li><li>Mothers feeling too tired or exhausting</li></ul>
  • Overweight mothers 
  •  History of diabetes, gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension 
  •  Mothers with minimum or no physical activity (Sedentary lifestyle) 
  • Underweight mothers seeking nutritional support 
  • Having frequent constipations 
  • Mothers feeling too tired or exhausting
<ul><li>Assessment of BMI, Dietary habits, Blood biochemical values, physical activities &amp; Sleep habits to determine the body’s micro/macro nutrients and calories requirement&nbsp;</li><li>Discuss the food preferences and design strategies or diet plan in order to maintain right balance of other nutrients and shed off extra fat from the body&nbsp;</li><li>Alternative diet options to break monotony&nbsp;</li><li>Simple portion- control guide&nbsp;</li><li>Easy to follow plan&nbsp;</li></ul>
  • Assessment of BMI, Dietary habits, Blood biochemical values, physical activities & Sleep habits to determine the body’s micro/macro nutrients and calories requirement 
  • Discuss the food preferences and design strategies or diet plan in order to maintain right balance of other nutrients and shed off extra fat from the body 
  • Alternative diet options to break monotony 
  • Simple portion- control guide 
  • Easy to follow plan 
<p><strong>Mode of Service Delivery</strong>: Online (via Chat, What&rsquo;s app Video call, Telephone)&nbsp;</p><p><strong>No of Sessions</strong>: 1 counselling session with diet plan (Valid for 1 day)</p><p><strong>&nbsp;Duration of Each Session</strong>: 30 minutes&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Eligibility</strong>: All Postpartum mothers between 0 to 6 months</p>

Mode of Service Delivery: Online (via Chat, What’s app Video call, Telephone) 

No of Sessions: 1 counselling session with diet plan (Valid for 1 day)

 Duration of Each Session: 30 minutes 

Eligibility: All Postpartum mothers between 0 to 6 months