We understand how importance it is to entrust your child's care to a caring and experienced caretaker. A rigorous vetting process that includes in-depth training ensures that our caregivers not only meet but exceed the standards of professionalism and reliability. Our services range from full-time nannies (24 hours) to part-time nannies/ japa /babysitters (10 hours) with flexible schedules to fit yours. Whether you need a dependable caregiver for date nights or require consistent support, our experienced team prioritizes your child's safety, well-being, and happiness. Choose our experts as your trusted partner on your journey to parenthood so that each child is cared for with the utmost care, warmth, and dedication. Having a wide range of nanny japa and babysitter professionals working in Gurgaon, we stands as a trusted partner for families seeking childcare solutions.
A nanny or Japa is an expert who fully takes care of newborn development and well-being by providing a safe, fun, and positive environment. Experienced nannies generally provide new mother and baby massage, baby sleeping, baby bathing, help in feeding, recent mother help in daily work etc
Momkidcare is an aggregator portal not a placement agency- we don't hire Nannies/Japa Maids directly. We are like job aggregator portal who register Nannies as service provider (job seekers) and make them live over portal in order to make their profile searchable to clients. However all our nannies go through a 4 step quality check and then we publish them on our portal. Clients who avail our services will have direct relation with Nannies as far as employee -employer relation.
(Disclaimer: All videos are for demonstration purpose, please do not practice it without consultation.)
(Disclaimer: All videos are for demonstration purpose, please do not practice it without consultation.)
A nanny will look after the needs of a baby and provide childcare services. The list of duties she performs is not limited to the points mentioned below:
Parents having a nuclear family are highly recommended to hire a Japa maid. She may not be a certified caretaker but traditional knowledge and experience will bring a lot to you and your baby.
Before going ahead with a babysitter, please read the following recommendation:
One of the many benefits of opting from Momkidcare is that we handpicked all nannies and baby sitter by physically verifying their documents, skills, and behaviors. In the rare case that your nanny doesn't work out as expected, we will provide a replacement immediately or refund as per policy.
We handpicked only the best nannies (experienced and caring) for our star MOMs and their cutie-pie. We provide hygienic and trusted caregivers who are well-equipped to meet your and child's physical and emotional needs.
Momkidcare nannies have:
A Nanny takes full responsibility of child's well being, take care of all basic needs, playing, eating, having fun while living in with family whereas Baby Sitter is a temporarily takes care of child for short term and provide generally the supervision to the child
Full-Time Nanny generally stay live-in with the family which is 24x7, considering 1-2 leaves in a month. Whereas part-time nany works for 8-12 Hrs in a day.
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