From about 28th week, your gynecologist may recommend you to monitor fetus movement as a way to analyze your baby's health. The easiest way to do this is by tracking baby 'kicks' and note it down with our easy to go kick counter. So Do not miss out on the sheer joy of counting baby the kicks.
Disclaimer: Kick counter only helps in monitoring the normal baby movements during pregnancy. In case of any discrepancy from the recommended counts suggested by the doctor, it is important to consult the gynecologist immediately.
In the third trimester keeping a tap of your baby’s movements (rolls, jabs, turns, swishes and twists) is a convenient and effective way to monitor the health & well-being of your child. It may be difficult to recognize the kicks initially, but when you do those movements sure can bring a smile on your face.
Kick counter is a tool that encourages expectant parents to track their baby’s movement. Paying attention on the kicks in third trimester and regular tracking will reassures proper growth and development of your baby.
The count is suggested to be performed daily starting at about 28th week of pregnancy.
How to use kick counter: -
According to Cardiff ‘count 10’ formula: mother should track fetal kicks preferably at the same time when baby is usually active. Ensure at least 10 movements in the period of 12hrs in a day.
The mother should consult the doctor immediately if-
In the 3rd trimester, it’s important to keep a check on fetal movements, rolls or jabs because any sharp decrease in baby’s movement is often the earliest sign of distress in babies.
Counting the baby kicks is the time when you and your partner can bond with the baby. It’s the special moment when you feel your baby and understand a bit more through certain movements.
Every baby is unique. Keeping a track through kick counter will help you know what is normal for your baby. According to Cardiff “count 10” formula the mother should appreciate at least 10 movements in the period of 12hrs in a day. For any significant changes in the pattern of your babies’ movements, it is suggested to consult your doctor and notify.
In-case of any doubt do not delay and visit your doctor at the earliest.
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