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Giving birth to a new life is the most satisfying pain for every mother.
Although she passes through lots of physical and emotional changes during the pregnancy and delivery process but still, she feels rejuvenated after the birth of her baby.
For first time mothers, the situation is both full of apprehension and excitement.
Let’s put the fear aside and ensure following simple steps that will help in building their confidence and will make your journey successful and memorable.
Tips to ensure during pregnancy :
Tips to ensure after pregnancy:
Tips During Pregnancy:
Ensure healthy Diet: In pregnancy phase, a mother needs to be healthy enough to take care of herself as well as her baby. Mother should ensure to get enough nutrients & minerals with proper hydration during pregnancy. These nutrients are vital for normal body growth and organ development of the fetus. Every mother has her own preferences and food choices. Consult pregnancy specialized dietician and get your personalized diet plan.
Ensure timely Antenatal check-ups and tests: Once your pregnancy test is positive, it is important to see your gynaecologist to confirm the implantation of the embryo and can plan your future appointments and tests.
Even if everything is going well and you are completely fine, still it is important to ensure your routine tests and check-ups as scheduled. It will help in keeping a track on baby’s development, analysing the risks factors, that will help in planning corrective actions on time.
Exercise and Yoga during pregnancy: Mother should initiate pregnancy exercise or yoga after the first trimester of pregnancy as it is the best way to nurture you and your baby. Pregnancy exercise and yoga will help you in coping and preparing both mind and body for pregnancy challenges and demands that you may face during and after pregnancy. If you are not regular to exercise and yoga, consult pregnancy exercise & yoga expert for further information.
Child birthing classes: This is the best way to create a bond with your partner by attending childbirth classes together. These sessions will help you to understand the pregnancy journey better and areas where your partner’s support is crucial. It also gives the opportunity to learn tips on parenting viz. baby holding, diaper change, and baby bathing techniques.
Ensure your power naps: Once you become pregnant, common symptoms during complete pregnancy are anxiety and getting tired often. The best way to get rid of these symptoms is to ensure small power naps. Whether you have a hectic day at work or home, just make yourself relaxed and have some sleeping time.
Bonding through books and songs: Babies start recognizing your voice by the second trimester and will respond with some body movements. It is soothing and creates an abstract bonding between both of you. Encourage your partner also to get involved in these activities.
Things to avoid and restrict during pregnancy: During pregnancy, the primary concern is health and well-being of both mother and the growing baby, so it is important to avoid and restrict ourselves from habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking, unprescribed drugs lifting heavy objects, too much caffeine, etc as it may cause miscarriage, stillbirth and fetal death.
After delivery
The first and foremost priority of each parent is to give the utmost care to their baby. During the same period, the mother needs to heal and recover from delivery.
Take complete rest: It is important to rest whenever you can. The delivery is an exhaustive and tiring procedure. The first few weeks are very crucial and your body needs time to revive back to normal. The best option to plan your sleep with your baby sleep pattern.
Nutrition and diet: After delivery, a new mother needs proper diet and nutrition to ensure qualitative milk supply and faster recovery. Also, the mother should consult a nutritionist to follow a balanced diet because it is very common to get overweight during this period.
Ensure exclusive breastfeeding: Breast milk is the best gift a mother can give to her baby. It is the ideal food for the baby for the first six months of life, as it has the perfect combination of nutrients, minerals, and antibodies for the growth and development of the baby. The most common challenge of first-time mothers is to learn the correct method of breastfeeding. It’s a wise decision to attend a lactation counselling classes before delivery, and still, you find it a challenge after delivery kindly consult a lactation counselor.
Post pregnancy depression: Post-pregnancy depression is a mix of physical, emotional, and hormonal changes that occur in a woman after delivery. Ensure a peaceful & stress-free environment for the mother. The partner should ensure to spend more time and support in baby care activities with her for the first few weeks. It is always better to consult a psychologist in advance to understand these hormonal changes and plan your actions accordingly.
Postpartum weight management: You must be excited to put away your maternity clothes and slip into your old one. But you need to find out the way to manage your weight and come back in shape. After delivery, it always recommended concentrating on eating a balanced diet and ensure some exercises and yoga in your daily routine.
American Academy of Pediatrics. New Mother’s Guide To Breastfeeding. Bantam Books. New York. 2011.
Lawrence, Ruth A., MD, Lawrence, Robert M., MD. Breastfeeding A Guide For The Medical Profession Eighth Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences. 2015.
Proper positioning and attachment of the baby during breastfeeding is the most important factor in determining effective breastfeeding. Most of the problems are associated with improper attachment (latching).
If the baby is well attached to the breast, the problems like sore nipples are less likely and the baby gets satisfied easily.
Signs of correct positioning
Signs of correct attachment:
The confidence of the mother and a good attachment of the baby is the key to successful breastfeeding and a satisfied baby.
The reliable signs of a baby getting enough milk are
Further, the key things a mother should ensure that the baby is feeding at least 8 times a day, the baby is alert and contented and passing stools normally.
Yes, sometimes a healthy baby who has been checked by the doctor can cry a lot due to hunger, discomfort or frustration. A sick baby cries differently that is easily noticeable and should be taken to the doctor immediately.
What are the signs or indications of postpartum depression and how to manage it?
Because of the sudden dip in pregnancy hormones after delivery, the mother may have emotional changes that can cause postpartum depression. The major symptoms or indications of postpartum depression may include:
Normally, the symptoms persist for a few days and can try to relax through proper sleep, meditation, yoga or engaging in activities that she used to love before delivery. You can also consult a psychologist for counselling and support.
But if symptoms persist or in severe condition, consult a psychiatrist for medication.
Eat a healthy diet