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Sharing one of my favourite incidents of parenting.
My husband and I had planned for an outing one weekend. Since the venue was a hilly area, we were not taking our kids along. So, we decided to leave our elder boy at dadi's place and our younger girl at nani's place because if we kept both of them together, they would only fight all day.
We dropped our son to dadi's home and left for nani's home. We had to travel the next afternoon and stayed with nani that night. Next morning, dadi called up to say that our son neither smiled nor played. He would just stare at the door waiting for daddy to knock. And here at nani's home our daughter only stared at us constantly without reacting to anything that we said.
We understood that they were missing each other & went to pick our son. When daddy woke him up, he woke up dull and serious looking. But when his younger sister came and sat next to him, both of them smiled ear-to-ear and all that khelna koodna started all over again. The little one grabbed his water bottle and teased him. She likes to be chased by him.
It was as if they breathed again. It was beautiful to see them happy seeing each other after being away for half a day. And we happily cancelled our travel plans to spend time with them and decided that we would never separate them again and take them along wherever we go.
It is blissful to see them love each other so much at this young age, despite all the snatching/pushing/punching all day, that makes us nothing more than referees in their lives.
In all this time, I have learnt that kids are great copycats and follow their elders exactly. As parents, we need to shape ourselves first the way we want to shape them. No, they won't learn from our acting, they will learn from what we genuinely are.
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