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As a woman, when you first get the confirmation that you have conceived and a new being is inside your belly, you feel on cloud nine. You want to protect it with all your might all those 9 months. You avoid anything that may cause your baby any damage. You want a healthy baby, isn’t it?
However, sometimes things don’t go as planned. Some babies are born with some deformities. While the probability of having a congenitally deformed baby has multiple reasons and genetics involved, some substances called teratogens cause malformations in the developing embryo. Tragic but true, hence important to know.
There are majorly 4 types of teratogens whose exposure in perinatal stage( 7th month of gestation to 2 weeks post birth) can cause baby malformations:
Other than this, genetics and various other factors contribute to such deformities in new-borns. It is needless to say that a pregnant woman should avoid the stated teratogens for a healthy pregnancy. Moreover, mothers-to-be should get 3 month check-ups and ultrasounds to detect early signs of such anomalies in the foetus.
Happy pregnancy, ladies!
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