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These days, women opt for pregnancy and experience motherhood at a later stage to pursue their education or career development. However, this delay may lead to complications in conceiving and even infertility. Several factors are known to be associated with infertility, including stress and reduced reproductive function. Special exercise forms and yoga for conceiving is known to help boost reproductive function and even reduce stress. Adopting yoga in your lifestyle can help increase your chances of conception.
While you may feel a little doubtful, the right amount of physical exercise will only promote good health. Exercising regularly can help boost reproductive function, especially if you are trying to conceive. Also, staying physically active through any form of exercise while trying to get pregnant is associated with numerous benefits, including a healthy heart, improved metabolism, better blood circulation, reduced physical tension, and mental stress. However, make sure to consult a health professional on which exercises to perform or get a personalized plan that includes exercise and yoga for conceiving.
Benefits of Yoga When Planning to Conceive
Yoga to boost fertility and yoga for conceiving is a safe bet even if you have just jumped on the exercise bandwagon. However, the key is to slowly and steadily and start with Hatha yoga. Focus on breathing, and alignment, rather than gathering pace. Avoid vigorous yoga poses when trying to conceive. Beyond simple poses, you may want to consult a fertility yoga expert at Momkidcare.
8 Postures in Yoga for Conceiving
Lets us take at some of the poses that are helpful when looking to include yoga for conceiving and boosting reproductive function :
Reference: https://www.longdom.org/open-access/impact-of-a-structured-yoga-program-on-anxiety-in-infertility-patients-afeasibility-study-2375-4508-1000183.pdf
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